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YB 郭素沁 士布爹区新网站

YB 郭素沁 士布爹区新网站
TEL:03-79836768 dapseputeh.wordpress.com


( 人生感悟 ) 好好活,慢慢拖,一年还有几万多;不要攀,不要比,不要自己气自己;少吃盐,多吃醋,少打麻将多散步;按时睡,按时起,跑步跳舞身体健;只要能吃饭,钱就不会断;不怕嫌钱少,就怕走得早;官再大钱再多, 阎王照样土里埋;能牵手的时候, 请别只是肩并肩;能拥抱的时候, 请别只是手牵手;能在一起的时候, 请别轻言分离! 感恩!谢谢!


2019年新概念。一个中心:一切以健康为中心。两个基本点:遇事潇酒一点,看事糊涂一点。三个忘记:忘记年龄,忘记过去,忘记恩怨。四个拥有:拥有真正爱你的人,拥有自信朋友,拥有向上的事业,拥有温暖的住所。五个要:要唱,要跳,要俏,要笑,要苗条。六个不能:不能饿了才吃,不能渴了才喝,不能困了才睡,不能累了才歇,不能病了才检查,不能老了才后悔。Happy New Year 2015. Fron: YB 郭素沁同志


新街场花园 Taman Sg Besi Kuala Lumpur TEL:03-79834514 FAX:03-79830973 (http://aca12b.blogspot.com) (广告)


民主行动党行程 DAP Seputeh Activity Diary

DAP Seputeh Activity Diary

AGM Branch Election:

18/6/2008 ( Wednesday) : OUG & Taman Desa Branch

23/6/2008 ( Monday ) : Seputeh & Salak South N/V Branch


5/6/2008(Thursday)Crime Prevention Dialogue with Police; Pondok Polis OUG; Panel: Teresa Kok, Tan Sri Robert Phang (Executive Council Member of Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation), OCPD En Bari (Brickfield), Chief Inspector En Mazlan (Petaling); 8pm;
Inquiry: 03-7983 6768 / 012-2929 839

15/6/2008(Sunday) : Dialogue Session with Malay members at Taman Desa

17/6/2008(Tuesday) : KL Draft Plan Forum at Seri Petaling 8pm.

22/6/2008(Sunday) : DAP FT Orientation with new members at Federal Hotel. (11am to 5pm) Register by 6/6/2008 at 016-2166190, 012-5172324. Lunch provided.

6/7/2008( Sunday ) : Line Dancing at Seri Petaling

13 & 14/9/2008 ( Sat & Sun ) : Visit to Ulu Yam Recreation Park

民主行动党反对汽油起价 DAP takes to the streets over price hikes


KUALA LUMPUR, June 5 – Yesterday's fuel price hike announcement by the government was immediately followed by a snaking line of cars, motorbikes and trucks at all petrol stations across the nation rushing to beat the midnight deadline for cheaper petrol, which saw a jump of some 40 per cent, from RM1.92 to RM2.70.This morning, the DAP held a street protest against the Cabinet decision to increase fuel and power prices in Jalan Pasar in the heart of the city. Among the DAP leaders who attended the protest were Teresa Kok, Fong Kui Lun, Tan Seng Giaw, Lim Lip Eng and Janice Lee.Led by outspoken Cheras MP, Tan KokWai, the DAP protestors had gathered as early as 10am outside an Indian restaurant fronting the main road and waited almost an hour before demanding that the Government retract the price increase instantly."We want the Government to immediately announce that the increment will be stopped immediately because the public anger has reached to the maximum. We call on the Government to act wisely. Stop robbing the rakyat!" Tan pronounced.He warned that the Government's failure to do so would result in a nightmare.His colleague, Teresa Kok, added that businesses would be seriously affected by the last-minute price increase and would thereby pass on the higher costs to the consumer."We can anticipate the prices going up. This is a serious inflation. We've been told the Lorry Association are going to increase their transportation costs."We're a petrol exporting country. All these years, the government earned so much from export (of oil). Instead of increasing petrol prices, they should be giving back to the people. They don't talk about this anymore," she noted.The street protest was a very last minute affair, Kok said. It had been decided by the party only last night. A similar protest was also held this morning in Ipoh, Perak, almost simultaneously at 11am. Kok hinted that these protests might even spread to the rest of the country."I anticipate that. Now the Government is talking about taking away the subsidy to bus companies. Just now my colleague, Tan Kok Wai, talked about the extravagance of the Government. How do they justify this?" she queried.Despite the small number of actual protestors, they managed to attract a large number of curious onlookers from among the business owners and passers-by thronging the vicinity, which clogged up the narrow but popular thoroughfare. Jalan Pasar is after all a well known electronic goods paradise among locals and tourists alike.Though most of them did not appear to support the DAP's public protest, some agreed that it was a way to draw the government's attention to the issue at hand as well as to create greater awareness among the often apathetic rakyat."We never said they (the government) shouldn't increase the price. We're a civilised society so don't tell us stories. You inform the people, they understand. Don't create a panic," said a bystander who was attracted to the noise from his office across the road.The 55-year-old remisier who only wanted to be known as Kumar said that what the Government had done by its last-minute announcement was create a panic buying situation last night as economic-minded Malaysians rushed out to buy the last of the "cheap" petrol.He himself had resorted to riding his motorcycle to the nearest petrol station to his home and filled up several containers' worth of petrol for his car. It took him three trips and over two-and-a-half hours to do so, but he felt it was worth every sen. It had saved him RM15 to RM18 of the amount he would have to pay when the new price kicked in. The Malaysian Insider
(星报25.6.2008 布城) 前首相敦馬哈迪醫生指出,國油公司在2006年共賺取860億令吉盈利;因此,政府應該有很多供花費,而不應做出有損國家經濟的不消費行為。