YB 郭素沁与张志强(Abdullah) 和新党员拍合照.
YB Teresa Kok with party members before the cake cutting ceremony.
蛋糕仪式前 , YB 郭素沁与党员合照.
Our Chairman cut the cake to every members after the ceremony.
Last Sunday 26th April 2008, DAP Salak South organised a potluck Birthday party for our Chairman Abdullah Chong. Almost 80 members including 30 new members came for the party. Our YB Teresa Kok managed to squeeze her tight schedule to attend the gathering.
In her welcoming speech to new members, she urged party members to recruit more members and work harder as the rakyat will be assessing the performance of our party. After the cake cutting ceremony by our Chairman, our YB invited new members to have group photos with her.
In her welcoming speech to new members, she urged party members to recruit more members and work harder as the rakyat will be assessing the performance of our party. After the cake cutting ceremony by our Chairman, our YB invited new members to have group photos with her.
上个星期日(26th April 2008), 民主行动党沙叻秀新村支部举办了我们的主席,Abdullah Chong的生日会与党员聚会. 大约有80位党员包括30位新党员出席这个聚会. YB Teresa Kok抽空她紧密的时间来出席聚会. 演讲中 , 她表明欢迎新党员 , 也希望能找更多新党员的参与. 切蛋糕仪式后 , YB与新党员拍张合照.