开始大扫除前, 民主行动党沙叻秀新村支部主席, Abdullah Chong (张志强)(从右边起第2位)和居民拍的照片.
The residents swept all the rubbish to make the place clean.
YB Teresa Kok with Abdullah Chong , DAP members and Taman Sg Besi residents pointing to the heap of debris obstructing the access road.The truck that provided by DBKL to help the cleaniness campaign.
Today, DAP Salak South,Taman Sg Besi Resident Association,DBKL and Alam Flora successfully organised a gotong royong campaign at the apartment at Taman Sg Besi. DBKL and Alam Flora cooperated by providing workers and trucks to help up in the cleaniness campaign.YB Teresa Kok, the MP for Seputeh graced the above event which also saw the participation of the residents and DAP members.
今天 , 民主行动党沙叻秀新村支部党员 , Taman Sg Besi 居民协会 , DBKL 和 Alam Flora 成功举办了大扫除在Taman Sg Besi 组屋. DBKL 和 Alam Flora 提供了员工和罗厘来协助我们在清理工作. YB Teresa Kok , Seputeh 国会议员与雪州行政议员, 感到高兴对于以上清理工作和居民与DAP党员的参与.