选 名 册 ( SPR )

选 名 册    ( SPR )
欢迎满21岁或重未登记成为选民的合格人士,您可在以下地点登记成为选民。 1。邮政局。 2。民支行动党士布爹区沙叻秀新村支部。您的一票,决定未来!赶快登记为选民吧

YB 郭素沁 士布爹区新网站

YB 郭素沁 士布爹区新网站
TEL:03-79836768 dapseputeh.wordpress.com


( 人生感悟 ) 好好活,慢慢拖,一年还有几万多;不要攀,不要比,不要自己气自己;少吃盐,多吃醋,少打麻将多散步;按时睡,按时起,跑步跳舞身体健;只要能吃饭,钱就不会断;不怕嫌钱少,就怕走得早;官再大钱再多, 阎王照样土里埋;能牵手的时候, 请别只是肩并肩;能拥抱的时候, 请别只是手牵手;能在一起的时候, 请别轻言分离! 感恩!谢谢!


2019年新概念。一个中心:一切以健康为中心。两个基本点:遇事潇酒一点,看事糊涂一点。三个忘记:忘记年龄,忘记过去,忘记恩怨。四个拥有:拥有真正爱你的人,拥有自信朋友,拥有向上的事业,拥有温暖的住所。五个要:要唱,要跳,要俏,要笑,要苗条。六个不能:不能饿了才吃,不能渴了才喝,不能困了才睡,不能累了才歇,不能病了才检查,不能老了才后悔。Happy New Year 2015. Fron: YB 郭素沁同志


新街场花园 Taman Sg Besi Kuala Lumpur TEL:03-79834514 FAX:03-79830973 (http://aca12b.blogspot.com) (广告)


Tuition Class for Primary students 举办小学补习班

DAP Salak South service centre will be organising a tuition class for primary students as follows:
Venue: DAP Salak South service centre
Date: Commencing 1st July 2008
Day: Every Monday,Tuesday,Thursday and Friday
Time: 5.30pm to 7.30pm
Fees: Std 1-3 : RM99.00
Std 4-6: RM128.00
Medium of instruction will be in Mandarin and English
First 10 registration will be given a token of appreciation.
Person to contact: Mr Lim ( 012-3580 789 )
Mr Abdullah Chong (012-3390 903)
Mr Fong (017-3380 980)

民主行动党沙叻秀新村支部服务中心将举办小学补习班 , 请看以下资料 :

地点 : 民主行动党沙叻秀新村支部服务中心

日期 : 预 7月1日开始

天数 : 每个星期一 , 星期二 , 星期四和星期五

时间 : 5.30 p.m. 至 7.30 p.m.

补习费 : 一年级至三年级 : RM 99.00
四年级至六年级 : RM128.00



如想知更多详情 , 请联络 : 林子正 (012-3580 789)
张志强 (012-3390 903)
冯国亮 (017-3380 980)


协助Kg Pagar居民申请政府组屋 Kg Pagar Taman Sg Besi (Salak South) Registration for PPR Flats on 22-5-2008

DAP Salak South N/V organised a registration exercise for the Kg Pagar Taman Sg Besi (Salak South) for application for DBKL PPR flats at their Taman Sg Besi branch.Many DAP members and volunteers came to help to fill up the application forms of the affected squatters.
民主行动党沙叻秀新村支部在本支部举办申请DBKL PPR 组屋给予Kg Pagar Taman Sg Besi (Salak South) 村民.



DAP Parent's Day Potluck Party & Dialogue Session With New Members 25-5-2008 (Sunday)

Dear Comrades,
各位同志 ,

DAP Salak South had organising a Potluck Gathering as follows:

Date: 25th May 2008 ( Sunday )
日期 : 25th May 2008 (星期日)

Time: 3pm-8pm.
时间 : 下午3时至晚上8时

Venue: DAP Salak South branch office.
地点 : 民主行动党沙叻秀新村支部服务中心

Please bring own cookings for the above function.

For further details please contact:
如想知更多详情 , 请联络:

Abdullah Chong at 012-339 0903
张先生 : 012-339 0903


新街场花园大扫除Taman Sg Besi Gotong Royong on 24-5-2008

DAP Salak South N/V Chairman Abdullah Chong (2nd from right) with residents before the start of the Gotong Royong
开始大扫除前, 民主行动党沙叻秀新村支部主席, Abdullah Chong (张志强)(从右边起第2位)和居民拍的照片.

The residents swept all the rubbish to make the place clean.


YB Teresa Kok with Abdullah Chong , DAP members and Taman Sg Besi residents pointing to the heap of debris obstructing the access road.The truck that provided by DBKL to help the cleaniness campaign.

Today, DAP Salak South,Taman Sg Besi Resident Association,DBKL and Alam Flora successfully organised a gotong royong campaign at the apartment at Taman Sg Besi. DBKL and Alam Flora cooperated by providing workers and trucks to help up in the cleaniness campaign.YB Teresa Kok, the MP for Seputeh graced the above event which also saw the participation of the residents and DAP members.

今天 , 民主行动党沙叻秀新村支部党员 , Taman Sg Besi 居民协会 , DBKL 和 Alam Flora 成功举办了大扫除在Taman Sg Besi 组屋. DBKL 和 Alam Flora 提供了员工和罗厘来协助我们在清理工作. YB Teresa Kok , Seputeh 国会议员与雪州行政议员, 感到高兴对于以上清理工作和居民与DAP党员的参与.